“Curentul Juridic” Journal (“Juridical Current”) publishes articles, researches and jurisprudence analyses. The published materials cover all areas of legal sciences, as well as interdisciplinary domains such as public management, judicial management, legal statistics, medical law, nutrition law, economic criminal law, community jurisdictional activity, European taxation, business relations, etc.).
The Journal aims to become a forum for debates on theoretical issues of law disciplines and interdisciplinary domains; it also wants to become a support for legal practitioners to enhance their activity, as well as to stimulate the research activity that proves to be relevant on a regional, national and international level.
The materials, in Romanian, English or French will be sent by email to the following address: redactie@revcurentjur.ro.
Articles and studies presented at conferences, symposiums and scientific events are also accepted for publication.
The materials should follow the spelling and grammar rules of the language they use.
Title of the article
The TITLE should be written in capital letters, Times New Roman 12, bold, centre, in Romanian (for Romanian authors) and English or French.
The name of the author(s) should be written Times New Roman 10 on the right, double-space under the title. The first name should use, bold, and the family name, Times New Roman 10, capital letters and bold.
The symbol * has to be written next to the family name as a footnote and this has to include information regarding the status of the author, his/her academic rank, scientific title (if it is the case), name of institution or workplace (for each author separately, if it is the case).
The abstract has to be of maximum 200 words and has to be written in English or French and Romanian (for Romanian authors). It has to use Times New Roman 9, italics, justify, 2 lines under the author’s name.
4-6 keywords that comprise the essence of the article have to be mentioned. They should be listed according to their importance, in English, at 2 lines under the abstract, with Times New Roman 9, italics, justify.
JEL Classification
Each author has to mention, after the key words, the paper’s code according to
JEL classification (namely the category/ code
K for law and economics literature). Please consult JEL Classification to identify the article’s category.
The article
The paper has to be written using A4 format (margins: top/bottom/left/right 2cm), Times New Roman 10, justify, single line spacing. The footnotes should use Times New Roman 8.
If the paper is divided in chapters and paragraphs, the chapter’s title will be written Times New Roman10, left, caps lock, bold, double line spacing; the paragraph’s title will be written, Times New Roman10, left, normal, bold, double line spacing.
Both in the body of the text and in the footnotes the following short forms are used: art. (= article); para. (= paragraph); p./pp (= page or pages); t. (= tome); vol. (= volume); G. O. (= Government Ordinance); G. D. (= Government Decision).
REFERENCES (books and specialized journals) must be introduced using “Harvard Style”. Please consult:
For another quoted works (jurisprudence, legislation, websites) please use only footnotes. The document’s name has to be mentioned, its number, the date of ruling/ issuing, the issuing authority (court), and the publication where it is included (The Official Gazette, case law reports etc.). Footnotes will continue on the following pages and won’t start with no.1 on each page.
With the exception of the title, the text and the footnotes of the material have to use normal character format, and, when required, only italics.
The materials (articles, researches) submitted for publication in our journal cannot exceed 15 standard pages.
The authors are required to follow the copyright legislation and to avoid completely any form of plagiarism.
The editorial board of “Juridical Current” is exempted from any liability regarding the authors’ points of view included in the published articles and the authors have to comply with the intellectual property legislation.
The rejected materials after the “peer review” will not be sent back to their authors.